单词手册上的例句:the skies above london were ablaze with the spectacular firework display.这句话为何用复数形式?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 07:16:37
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单词手册上的例句:the skies above london were ablaze with the spectacular firework display.这句话为何用复数形式? “burn”的意思?burning in the skies 求 Burning In The Skies 的中文翻译~~~ skies 是sky 的复数形式么?burning in the skies在天空中燃烧 英语翻译我们班要唱Under Southern Skies,需要中间这段手语的部分.我已经翻译成中文版的了,和英语的语序上有点差异,完整版的歌词:Under the southern skies.Together in this land.Every voice in celebration .A fa 英语语法问题 有例句An accident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956 resulted in the establishment of the FAA to regulate and oversee the operation of aircraft in the skies over the US,...accident后边的那个that为什 请问写在信封上的Blue Skies Travel是什么意思 谁知道 Under the Southern skies的歌词中文翻译呀? Triumph in the Skies 他的汉语意思是什么 burning in the skies中文歌词 剑桥国际英语教程1词汇手册上的所有单词(这位仁兄,我不懂) 填介词 He built a telescope ________ which he could study the skies. He built a telescope ________ which he could study the skies 为什么不能用by Galileo built a telescope through which he could study the skies用不定式改写 he built a telescope through which he could study the skies.为什么不能用that? I can go ( ) in the mountains in winter.A ski B skiing C skies 高中英语词汇手册第232的例句比如:用portable举例句 “蓝色的天空”为什么用“blue skies”?我看书上“蓝色的天空”写成“blue skies”,为什么用复数啊?英语课本上的……