Each sentence below has one mistake.Pick it out and then correct it.1.This pair of trousers cost fifty dollars.2.A sensitive person is aware of other’sproblems.3.Those new shoes of your look smart.4.He has much more problems than he used to.5.She h

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 01:02:31
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译select a choice from the list below to go with each sentence in making the best of a tough time 英语翻译divided each sentence seperately. Tell the sentence pattern of each sentence in the following name the sentence type for each sentence什么意思 change each sentence to a question Verb to be +adj +enough+to -infinitiveComplete each sentence with an adj from the box below+'enough'+the to-infinitive from of the verbs in bracketsbeautiful/brave/clever/comfident/creative/curious/old/outgoing/patient/tall1.i am _______________ make the sentence with the ___(give ) worlds below.为什么? In the code below,(1)each letter always represents the same word,(2)each word is represents by only one letter(3)in any given sentence,the letters may or may not be presented in the same order as the words.M X R T Y means Marie swam laps by herself.X 请大家帮忙做英语主观题Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the italicized word on the left of each sentence.Write your answers on the blanks below.1、improve Lately Laura has shown some ______in bot 请大家帮忙做英语主观题三Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the italicized word on the left of each sentence.Write your answers on the blanks below.1、pay He finally got a well-______position in a 请大家帮忙做英语主观题二Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the italicized word on the left of each sentence.Write your answers on the blanks below.1、able I'd like to go with you ,but with so muc Make a sentence out of each group of words.翻译 Underline the correct word in each sentence的意思 Circle a proper color word in each sentence.意思 Underling the correct word in each sentence.汉语怎么说? Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.翻译它 paraphrase the underlined words or expressions in each sentence翻译 please circle the numbers ahead of each sentence