Students in China usually have ten minutes' (b_______ ) between classes是break还是breaks

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:47:50
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Do you know students in China and India prefer IELTS to TOEFL?Take TOEFL for US; IELTS for UK Auss 请问YOUNG STUDENTS ON US-CHINA RELATIONS是什么意思? students in the US,at the same time,are racing to learn Chinese.So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the US.这句话怎么翻译 Confucius( )(is) a wise man and a teacher.He ( )(live) in Shandong province.Shandong( )(is) in East China.He ( ) (teach) many students and ( )(write)books with many famous sayings.What( ) (do) he teach us?He ( )(teach) us to Several days ago,some students from the US visited our school.When we talked ,I discovered__1__differences in school life between the US and China .For example,each class__2__fifty minutes in the US.It is little longer than __3__in China.We usually h Several days ago,some students from the US visited our school.When we talked ,I discovered__1__differences in school life between the US and China .For example,each class__2__fifty minutes in the US.It is little longer than __3__in China.We usually h 求朗诵:many students in china are learning english. a_the students in our class are from china填空 These America students are in China.中的错误 In China,m___ of the students like to wear jieans. 几道初中英语填空题1、Guangzhou is the third -------(large) city in China.2、It is important for us students to listen to teachers -----(careful) in class.3、Then she wanted to help s________(患病的)people. Does he enjoy living in china?Could you tell us?Could you tell us____he____living in China? most of us in china have three m_____a day. 同义句转换:Most students in China ride bikes to school.Most ----- students go to school---- ---- school located in the east of china .she was set up in 1900.XXX school has beautiful view.a lot of excellent teachers and students .she is such a good school that almost all the students want to study's aim is to make us not only good at YOU may feel curious about students in other countries:Do they also have so much homework?What do they do in their spare time?On April 8,a report came out on the lives of high school students in China,Japan,South Korea and the US.It surveyed around 6 some ( )students (china) In China most students begin their a___ year early in September.首字母填空,中间填什么?