accompan you for life什么意思! 知道的请告诉我!谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 22:02:27
But not for you,to accompan me to the Honey,when you are around,really very happy,thank you for always accompan accompan you for life什么意思! 知道的请告诉我!谢谢 I will love you for a lifetime,would you be with me(for a lifetime),and have a simple daily lif It's time for a phone to save us from our phoens.get you in,and out and back to lif.这是微软Windows Phone 7广告片中的句子. lif is what you make it and you make it really happy这句话什么意思 The moset beautiful thing in lif is that someone smile because of you 有谁知道这句话出自哪里?是谁说的?……Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature.Life is an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others.You cannot do much about the length of your lif 谁知道LiF溶度积常数啊 he has freedom to find another.if it is meant to be 缘份 then you will find each other later in lif Nothing lost and nothing gained.Life is just a lullaby.everything will flow.see you inthe next lif具体翻译,要好 求短文纠错.下面这篇短文,读过后纠错,改正不改正随意.Dear Meng.First I need clear up about i like you this thing.Listening,That's only like!Not love,I admit that I had like you,Might as well tell you.I need a girl who can accompan for you. For you for you for me Thank you for you 请教关于diminishing-balance method of depreciation的计算A college uses the diminishing-balance method of depreciation for its buildings.It uses a depreciation rate of 3%,which means that its buildings are depreciated over an average useful lif what i want is just to have a person to accompan…...