
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:26:32
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stressful和stressed的区别? stressing.stressed 和stressful 有什么区别the life of a university student can be very ___________.A.stress B.stressful C.stressed D.stressing stressing stressed stressful 有什么区别? feel stress/stressed/stressful有什么不同?我们老师说stress是形容人的.stressful是形容物的.是这样的吗? stressful、stress、stressed三者有何区别?讲清楚点, 形容词stressful与stressed的区别各位大神,当这两个词均为形容词是有什么区别呢?还请赐教. 请问 make sb stressed out 中stressed是什么词?类似的用法还有哪些词?和be stressed out中的stressed一样吗? stressed get stressed out与be stressed out的区别 “be stressed out”中“stressed”的用法?请不吝赐教, be stressed out的比较级 be stressed out /stressed out的区别还有don‘t……(be stressed out /stressed out选哪个) stress和stressed的区别例句:I'm stressed out.(stressed out是固定词组,译为压力大的)I'm stress.(这里的stress是什么意思啊?为什么不是stressed?后面要不要加out呢?)那stressed 后可以不加out吗? 心情沉重,压抑,沮丧的,用英语怎么说除了stressed和depressed be stressed out 和pressure都有“压力”的意思,有何区别? I get stressed easily.I do not enjoy handling a stressful situation.My friends would describe me as a worrier.I tend to worry about things more than most people.It is hard for me to relax after a stressful day.When things become stressful in my work, be stressed out的反义词是什么? Take it easy.Don't be _______.后面写什么?stressed 和 stressed out 选哪一个 stress out和stressed out有区别吗?