I especially ned one room ___ make the interview,face to face,with the students.A.where to B.when to C.that to D.which to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/07 21:31:54
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I especially ned one room ___ make the interview,face to face,with the students.A.where to B.when to C.that to D.which to I like all kinds of chocolate,especially bitter chocolate.So when Mother had bought one,I couldn 1.填上合适的介词:What____this blue one?Your daughter look nice___blue.Thank you,but i like the colour____the one.Oh,you like nice_____light blue.2.填入合适的单词完成句子:1.I can not find my dog,we ned help,let's go to the ____.2.I d especially Whenever you ned warmth and love,remember I'll geive you some.翻译 I like all kinds of chocolate ,especially bitter chocolate ,so when mother had bought one,I couldnthelp thinking about _____A him B her C it D this I especially love give special for I very dislike some people ,especially I also love books,especially comic books. 英语翻译Predefined signals recognition:Each predefined signal is emitted by loudspeaker A.Robotshave to signal any detected sound immediately.After a short break,the signal is emittedby loudspeaker B,and after another short break it i 英语翻译the freight rate volatility in logarithm (ht) is defined as the one-step ahead conditional volatility of freight rate from an AR-GARCH model, most people,especially girls like shoppingMost people,especially girls like shopping.My name is Linda.Shopping is one of my pastimes.My classmates and I go shopping when we finish our homework on Sunday.I like shopping,not because I want to buy somet I like fruits,especially apple.一句中,为什么要用副词especially而不用形容词? they ned [ ] food this afternoon. I especially love give special for you的意思是什么 I like play sports very much,especially as well as. I like fruits,___ apples.(specially,especially,special,especial) I love the countryside,especially in spring.是什么意思