I first play computer game six months ago为什么这里play用的不是过去式

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:52:17
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I first play computer game six months ago为什么这里play用的不是过去式 when did you first play a computer game这个的回答,I first play还是played,新概念英语中是play我感觉标准答案不对, I first started a_____ in a play when I was 12. my mum asks me not to play computer 同意句可不可写成asks me to donot play compute my mum asks me not to play computer 同意句可不可使asks me donot play compute 英语翻译1、find the domain and discuss the behaviour at the extremes2、discuss asymptots; compute the slope and the constant term,when possible3、compute the first derivative and find critical points4、compute the second derivative; discuss c I'm on duty Today .first of all ,let's play a game I usually do my homework first,play basketball later.改错将这题改正确 I remember she went to her first short play at four.这句话咋翻译? 怎么运行matlab,附录一:求GM(1,1)拟合曲线的matlab代码%compute the coefficient(a andu)------------------------n=length(x_orig);%first generate the matrix Bfor i=1:(n-1);B(i)=-(x(i)+x(i+1))/2;endB=[B' ones(n-1,1)];%then generate the matrix I play 造句I play . 1._______ I saw this film ,I was deeply moved by it.A.The moment when B.The first time C.Upon D.No sooner2.We can store information in our computer.A.a great many B.a quantity of C.many an D.quite a few2.We can store_______ information in our compute at first 与 first 区分-Could I play games?-Yes.But ( ) you have to finish your homework.A.first B.next C.finally D.at first谁能告诉我为什么选A不选D Can I play the computer game Can you play the computer game --_________.Work must come first A .a little B .No gate C .very well 應該選哪個? ( )I play computer games now?No,you( )shout do your homework first.括号中应填May,mustn't.为什么? when did you first play piano? I will play造句I will play, 简单英语句型转换it was saturday yesterday.对saturday提问I would like noodle for breakfast.对noodle she has three stor books.对 three加一个 I like playing the compute games对the compute games