it is_______ ________ _________this year _______last year.今年没有去年冷.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 10:39:51
i think the job is interesting 同义句i think it is_______ _______ _________. 求这这几道英文题的答案~_______ _______is it?It‘s fifty yuan.But it's small.The red one is_______. we don't need to finish this fork at once=It is_______ _______ us to finish this work at once she draws the pictures well.she is_______ _______ it is_______(certainly) that he has told a lie The bathroom was wet this morning .But now it is_______. 根据适当形式填空,1、I looked for the __________(miss)book everywhere,but I couldn't find it.2、Your answer is_______ right.(probable)3、This hall can hold at _______(many)300 people. 英语:改为同意句(1)The food was so good that we ate much.It was _____ ______ _______that we ate much.(2)The kite is so high that I can not get it.It is_______ _______ _______ _________ that I cant not get it.(3)这首歌很好听,我听了两 Young people like this kind of shoes best.This kind of shoes is_______ _______ ______. she is 20 years old改为同意句she is_______ _______ _________ ________twenty 英语合并为同一句My mother is very busy.sheis cooking.My mother is_______ _______. 1.the man is hurt badly,he is_______(die)2.he is not _______(care),he makes many mistakes.3.改错There is a small river nearby my hometown.4.改错It is bad laugh at others.5.改错Before it will rain,they will get to school.6.Of all students,Linda 小学6年级英语 会的帮帮手 5分(照例子改) 例:your-yours That is your pen. It's yours. ) This is my book. it's ______.2.her-( ) That is her flower. That flower is_______.3.our-( ) This is our home. This home is _______. 暑假园地上的英语题,看图填空!急!详细问题请见下面this planet is ____ ____the sun.It's very_______. 2.this planet is_______ _______ ______ ______.It's very________.3.the moon is_______and_______.4.the moon looks like______ This is Jack.It is_______(he)pencil你的身份证号码是多少?Whats_____ ____ _________? it is_______ ________ _________this year _______last year.今年没有去年冷. Do you know wath letter is a kind of drink?It is_______. The book is_______(interest),I don't like it.怎么写