我错了这些题 第24题 Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt ______ he could have expressed it differently.A.why B.how C.that D.whether第26题 When deeply absorbed in work,______ he often was,he would forget all about eating

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 00:47:49
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我错了这些题 第24题 Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt ______ he could have expressed it differently.A.why B.how C.that D.whether第26题 When deeply absorbed in work,______ he often was,he would forget all about eating tom and jerry are from the American哪里错了!(改错题)不能去掉the 地di第4声的怎么组词?之前打错了是的(di)第4声怎么组词? 这些题,急死我了 Jerry Doo Be Di 如题 我被这些都整无奈了 第1秒 第1秒末 1秒内 第1秒内 做题的时候都当成几秒算啊 这些题怎么做,我做错了 第2题,我哪错了 第一道:It's a ___________A.map of Beijing B.map Beijing C.map in Beijing第二道:John is __________ friend.A.(忘了= =,反正一定是错的) B.Jerry and Kim's C.Sarah's and Mary's咳咳,对于大家来说应该很简单吧,是我和同 这些题哪里错了? LEA DI,DIMEN MOV AL,[DI] MOV BL,[DI+1] CBW IDIV BL MOV [DI],AL MOV [DI+1],AH 请帮我指出错误原题:在偏移地址为DIMEM的两个连续内存中放有带符号的被除数和除数,试求其结果,商放在DIMEM中,余数放在下个内存 括号部分提问Jerry is going to visit Shanghai (next year)打错了,Jerry is going to take a trip to space (in 50 year) 先是让阅读材料,然后找出规律,这些我都会,主要是下边的题,看看吧如图,我实在是想不起来了,错了,第一个的分母是2*4 假发 YAKI,JERRY,PONY,STW,DW,WW.这些词啥意思?假发 YAKI,JERRY,PONY,STW,DW,WW.这些词啥意思?YAKI,JERRY,PONY,STW,DW,WW 求个英文名,我中文名有个杰字,我本来叫Jerry.但是我是建筑系的,那么不就Jerry-building(翻译:豆腐渣工程)了吗?我要改名,最好是J开头的.男生. 这些题我不会 mov es:[di],byte ptr ds:[si],为什么错了?