combine A with B和combine A and B的区别RT

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:11:12
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combine A with B和combine A and B的区别RT combine 的combine with 和combine and一样吗?怎样区分? combine ...with...还是,combine link,relate,connect,combine那个能和with搭配 Lots of teachers are trying to find a better way to( )education with B.mixC.combine D.surround combine the following sentences with could you combine this order with a previous one that I already made with your shop? 英语翻译哪句是对的?A) Combine the first word of each sentence together.B) Combine the first word of each sentences together.C) Combine the first words of each sentence together.D) Combine the first words of each sentences together. 非谓语搭配主语从句如何判断主语Compare() A with B,it was found that 和Combine() with the results of STH,it can be concluded that请问大家这个括号里面应该填ed还是ing呢?为什么,主语是人还是物(事)呢 Combine... 英语作文 Let's combine study with sports to have a better effect 80词左右 COMBINE和Cross stitch combined color symbol with 1 strand of each 的中文翻译 把某事和什么相结合的英语词组是什么,除了combine with 请问relate associate combine有什么区别啊183.The establishment of the national park will ____ tourist development with scientific research.A.transplantB.relateC.associateD.combine 一道英语四级题目Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free,owing to its always ____ with other elements,most commonly with oxygen.A.being combined B.having combined combine D.combined combine和connect的区别 问下 associate与combine用法有什么具体区别?问道题 When people think of this brand,they always——it with high quality.A 、associate B、join C、combine D、unite在A项C项上纠结了……二者有什么具体区别?字典上 We should combine work with pleasure.翻译