break some eggs to make an omelet 是什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 16:53:05
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break some eggs to make an omelet 是什么意思 she n___ to break the eggs first,and add some salt to it She wants to( )some eggs. do you want to take some eggs?(改为同义句)Do you want to take some eggs?(改为同义句)____you____ ____take some eggs? I would like to have some bread and three eggs.对some bread and three eggs提问 The man is selling some eggs to them. 改为同义句,They __ __ some eggs __ the man. 英语.完成对话:如下:J:Good evening,M.M:Good ___ ,JJ:Do we ___ .eggs for lunch ,M:No,we ___.we eat hamburrgers ___ apples.J:M,I do not ___ apples.I like eggs.M:But we also need some ___ .It is not ___ to eat eggs every day.J:OK.But dad __ I'm thirsty.Would you bring me___,please?A.some eggs B.some cakes C.some water D.some bread buy some apples and bananas 对不对I’m going to the supermarket to buy some _____ this afternoon. A. paper and pencil B. apples and bananas C. milk and eggs D. bowl and spoons They'd like to have some fried eggs with bacon.(划线提问) ( )( )they like to have?划线是some fried eggs with bacon 1.put some milk into the flour ,break two eggs and then _____them(mixture) 2.we still need ____morechairs for the meeting room(ninth) Put some milk into the flour,break two eggs and then ( ) them.选择正确答案.分析错误项的错误.A.mixes B.mix C.mixed D.mixing would you like some eggs? does tom want some eggs some rice and eggs意思 take some hard -boiled eggs 【高中英语】-I'm so tired.Give me some time to have a short break.-I'm so tired.Give me some time to have a short break.-Tt's Monday today.You _D__at weekends.A.ought to have stayed up B.need have stayed up C.might have stayed up D.must have st Would you like to have _____ A.any eggs B.some bread C.any apple juice