_some bananas and ____apples in the basket

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 09:13:27
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_some bananas and ____apples in the basket 歌曲 apples and bananas these are bananas and oranges“bananas and oranges”画线提问 these are bananas and oranges“bananas and oranges”画线提问 Amy and Sam like bananas.Do you like bike bananas? Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender改为否定句_____ ______the bananas _____yogurt into the blenderI'd like three bananas.对“three”提问____ _____bananas ____you like?You need to put two cups of sugar on it.改为否定句You_____ __ I like fruits,___apples and bananas bananas and apples are ( ).谁知道啊 Apples,bananas and orange are fruits.改错 My favourite friut ( )apples and bananas He_ _some clothes and books _ _those children .他捐赠了一些衣服和书给那些孩子. I can see _some bread and pork on the dish.(对划线提问)对划线some提问. 补全对话(每空一词)A:Let’s make fruit saladB:Good idea.(1)________do we need?A:Bananas,apples,watermelons,honey and milk.B:How many(2)________,apples and watermelon do we need?A:Three bananas,three apples and a(3)__ They eat eggs,bananas and apples for breskfast.对eggs,bananas and apples 提问. Mona likes bananas and oranges对bananas and oranges提问___ ___ does Mina like? dislike apples or 还是 and bananas选填 and or we bought a dozen bananas and used 3 in a pie.how many bananas are left? Daniel stayed at home and read some books 同义句 DaDaniel stayed at home and read some books 同义句 Daniek stayed at home_ _some books