Zip and I ( ) hungry.A am B is Care 选什么,说明理由

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:47:37
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Zip and I ( ) hungry.A am B is Care 选什么,说明理由 读小故事,zip:i want some popcorn!zoom:me too!zip:do you know how to make it?zoom:sure!wait for me.i will go and make like tastes good.(after some minutes)where is he?i am he still making popcorn?zip:hey,what are yo read an answer读小故事,zip:I want some popcorn!zoom:me,too!zip:do you konw how to make it?zoom:sure!wait for me.I will go and make like tastes good.(after some minutes)where is he?I am he stillmaking popcorn?zip:he 做道英文阅读题,拜托啦!Zip:I want some popcorn! Zoom:Me too! Zip:Do you know how o make it? Zoom:Sure!Wait for me .I will go and make some. Zip:I like popcorn.It tastes good. (after some minutes) Where is he?I am hungry.Is he still making po 五年级暑假园地【英语】(一)①选择()1.___ season do you like best?A.WhoseB.WhichC.How about()2.Zip and I ___ hungry.A.amB.isC.are(c)3.Is it hot in spring?A.No,it is.B.Yes,it isn't.C.No,it isn't.(B)4.—_ But I ___(feel) a little hungry and thirsty now what are Zoom and Zip refreshing and full of zip zip ZIP ZIP zip Hungry and tired,i had to stop to have a rest.中Hungry and tired做什么成分‘到底是什么 I am hungry,对 hungry提问 I'm much___now(hungry) I'm very hungry... Mary and I ary hungry now.(变为一般疑问句)------------- ------------ and Mary hungey now? I _______(have) my lunch and I'm not hungry now.应填什么?为什么?