a bookcase is near the desk 翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:40:34
x)KTHNN,NU,VKM,R(HUHI-VxmQ_`gCyOv4<ٱey:gų=ONx6ž6yvPlA=/g1鲦g<]t>lxcӮXź OM|槓ӈdEaI
a bookcase is near the desk 翻译 there is a bookcase near the piano的否定句怎么改? 英语作文 有语病么This is a photo of Tom's room.It's not big but nice.There are many pictures on the wall .The desk is near the window,and the bookcase is near the desk.There are many books in the bookcase .Besid the bookcase.there is a bed.Th 翻译 A bookcase is behind the chair. t is a clean park near our schoolt is a clean park near our school We shouldn't went out when a typhoon is near There is a bookcase in my study.(就画线部分提问)a bookcase画线 Is't near the cinema. 完成对话,每空一词,缩写词算一词.A:Excuse me,( ) ( )a bank near here?B:Yes,there is.It's right there ( ) ( )the post office.A:( ) about a bookcase?B:There ( ) two.( ) ( )new here?A:yes,thank you.B:( ) ( ). 选择合适的词填空.do,don't,does,doesn't,is,isn't,are,aren't ( )his chinese books on the bookcase选择合适的词填空.do,don't,does,doesn't,is,isn't,are,aren't( )his chinese books on the bookcase?( ) your father and mother have a so ( ) there( ) books on the bookcase?no,there aren't any.A Is some B Are any C Are some D Is any 英语选词填空 in where and sorry photo know under plant books bookcase This is a1.______ of gina's room.A bed,a2.____3.____a desk are in it.Some shoes are4.______her bed.Her5____are6____the book_______ case.A green7._____is near the bookcase.8._ there isn't a bookcase in my study 变同义句 ____ ____ bookcase in my study there is a lake near a bike is near the It is near a factory. 英语改错 This is my room...This is my room.There is books in the bookcase.There are pictures on wall.Mybackpack is on the chair.I have a football,it's in the floor.There is a computer on the desk.A desk is near the door.And this is my hat,he's on Is there a restaurant near here ? No,there isn't什么意思,书上的,不理解