If the n-th prime number is 47,then n is___.n为12 13 14 15 那一个

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If teh n-th prime number is 47,the n If the n-th prime number is 47,then n is___.n为12 13 14 15 那一个 Arrange all the prime numbers in the order from little to great,counting from least one,the N-th prime number is 53,then N=__ SAT数学试题If n is any prime number greater than 2,which of the followying CANNOT be a prime numberA n-4B n-3C n-1D n+2E n+5 ACM 比赛 运算超时DescriptionLong long ago,there is a great king.To defend his country,he built many castles numbered from 1 to N.In the i-th castle which is co-prime with N,he apportion a general,if hostile country want to kill the general,he w 什么是prime-saturatedGMAT的一道题:A positive integer n is said to be prime-saturatedif the protuct of all the different positive prime factors of n is less than the square root of n.What is the greatest two-digit prime-saturated integer? 数学真题一道Prime numbers k and n are each greater than 2,and they differ by 4.If there is no prime number between k and n,what is the least possible value of k+n? the prime sat的数学题If n is ang prime number greater than 2, which of the following cannot be a prime number?A n-4B n-3C n-1D n+2E n+5 如果n是任意一个质数大于2,下列哪个选项不是质数? 英语翻译1.In the xy-plane,the line with equation y=5x-10 crosses the x-axis at the point with coordinates(a,b).What is the value of 2.If m is the greatest prime factor of 38 and n is the greatest prime factor of 100,what is the value of m+n?那 这是一道GRE数学题,没明白,In a certain sequence of numbers,each term after the first term is found by multiplying the preceding term by 2 and then subtracting 3 from the product.If the 4th term in the sequence is 19,which of the following nu 求这个程序的算法流程图或者文字说明#include int main() {int prime(int);int n; printf(input an integer:);scanf(%d,&n);if (prime(n)) printf(%d is a prime. ,n);else printf(%d is not a prime. ,n);return 0;} int prime(int n){int 用Python寻找前n个质数output是这样:Find the first M prime numbers100 :3 is a prime number1 :5 is a prime number2 :7 is a prime number3 :11 is a prime number4 :13 is a prime number5 :17 is a prime number6 :19 is a prime number7 :23 is a pri if n is the product of the integers from 1 to 8 ,inclusive ,how many different prime factors greater than 1 dose n have?a/ 4b/ 5c/ 6d/ 7e/ 8 in the prime of in the prime of 英语翻译I only have 1 left.But i have the other one with the talking base the toy is the exact same as the 20th Optimus prime.I have good stock on that item.Please let me know if you are interested.Thank you.Anthony 英语翻译if there are 664579 prime numbers among the first 10 million positive intergers,approximately what percent of the first 10 million positive integers are prime number?