i wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door同义句 怎么改

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:31:53
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英语句行转换: I wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door. i wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door同义句 怎么改 用英文翻译句子: I wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door._____________________是用英文翻译不是用中文翻译!! Can you tell me the location of the fire exit?The fire alarm went off.I wet some towels.The phone was dead.A fireman showed up.(用英语翻译句子) The boy (wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door).(括号部分提问) I,luckily,me,took,get,umbrella,with,wet,an,so,didn't,i(连词成句) I,luckily,me,took ,get,umbrella,with,wet,an,so,did't,I,连词成句 1.When he was a child,he often ____ and nobady believed him including his parentsA.lay B.lied C.laid D.lain2.Put some wet towels ____ the door to keep the smoke out.A.at the bottom of B.in the bottom of C.on the bottom of D.along the bottom of3.If he 英语作文:如果家里突发火灾时我们正在室内,我们应采取一些什么自救措施呢?提示:keep calm;dial 119; feel the door; wet some towels; lie on the floor; wait for; fire engine 开头:If a fire happens suddenly when we 初一下学期题(急)1.When he was a child,he often ____ and nobady believed him including his parentsA.lay B.lied C.laid D.lain2.Put some wet towels ____ the door to keep the smoke out.A.at the bottom of B.in the bottom of C.on the bottom of D ‘Hurry up.I ______________ (make) you some tea and toast.’ ‘OK.I ______________ (come),’I shouted.I ______________ (leave) my house but I forget to take an umbrella.When I ______________ (arrive) at school,I was all wet.What a horrible day! I an have some had 改成现在完成时 I have been wet through 是有关火灾发生时的自救方式的.If there is smoke,put wet towels along the_________ of the door. It's wet.Mum's wearing a raincoat.I have an umbrella.That womanhas anumbrella,too.中文 wet wet 、 wet