1 Should the book____(return)to her this Friday?2 The water should___(not put)here.3 Teenagers should___(allow)to design their own school uniforms.4 The classroom should___(clean)every day.5 The bad food shouldn't be___(eat).

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:35:41
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Have you ever read the book___(write)byLuXun. what is the name of the book___ ____ ___(被评论的) Who was the book___?A.write B.wrote C.written D.written by The book___(write)by Mo Yan is well worth____(read).英语填空题 I rent a book from the bokseller 同义句是?The bookseller___ a book___ me应该是bookseller By ____was the book___?A.who;wrote B.whom ;write C.whom ;writeen d.whose;writing为什么选C 一 选词填空 are,for,on,is,at,are 二 将下列句子由单数变成复数1 There___a book___ the desk 2 There is a pen in the pencil1 There___two men ___ the door 2 What colour is this pen?1 THERE___three books___Sandy 2 Which is your pen?2 This 1、The book___(write)by Mo Yan is well worth____(read).1、是初一的,没有学过过去分词,答案写的是 wrote 请问是为什么?2、They were playing___(noise)in the room.(这道题是用适当形式填空) 请把书还给Tom Please___ the book__ Tom Please___the book___ ___Tom对不起,我把你的雨伞忘在火车上了.Sorry ,I___ your____ on the train The book which is called 《Gone with the wind is Mary's》改为同义句the book___《Gone with the .The book which is called 《Gone with the wind is Mary's》改为同义句The book___《Gone with the wind is Mary's》 This book___ published by the end of this year A.will be B.will C.is being D.will have been求讲解 would you like to give me the story book___-cover is orange?A.which B.what C.who .D.whose为什么选D? Is this book___ our Chinese teacher recommended to us?A.which B.the one为什么不选A?还有 这个句子要怎样改 才能选which? with the third book( )out,the writer is very busy nowwith the third book___(come)out,the writer is very busy nowwith some problems___(arise) unexpectedly,he was more and more worried the medicine should work You should keep the you should clean the It is the book___ I am looking for. A:which B:that我选的是A和B which that都是可以引导东西 但是书上的答案却只有B,我觉得知道题目出的不好,对么?