以下两个强调句有何不同?It was a Mexican who bought our old car last week.It was以下两个强调句有何不同?It was a Mexican who bought our old car last week.It was last week that we sold our old car to a Mexican.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:02:52
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以下两个强调句有何不同?It was a Mexican who bought our old car last week.It was以下两个强调句有何不同?It was a Mexican who bought our old car last week.It was last week that we sold our old car to a Mexican. 以下两个强调句【例句】有何不同?并请造一个易懂的句子,然后用强调句型强调句子的不同部分.【例句一】It was a Mexican who bought our old car last week .【例句二】It was last week that we sold our old car t It was two years later that ...与It was two years before...的区别是?两句那句是强调句式?为何会有这样的区别?before与later的用法有何不同? Does it suggest that deal was a mistake?和 Is it suggesting that deal was a mistake?意思有何不同 强调句和定语重句的区别最好有例句和例题是不是It was(is)开头 就是强调句? (高中)It was in the room (where) i can sleep 为什么不能是强调句与I was in the room (that) I met him 有什么不同 it was he who told you the news 强调句 这里为什么是有 he 不有him 呢 说说强调句 英语强调句和定语从句有什么区别和联系?It was he who helped me.这是强调句还是定语从句? It is a pleasure.和It is my pleasure.的意思相同吗?使用场合有何不同?还有with pleasure.和它们两个有何异同. It's was a scientist called Charles Keeling,who.请问这个句子是强调句型吗?强调什么成分?强调句被强调的部分可与后面从句用逗号隔开吗? 强调句可以强调形容词吗? 比如It was clear that? 强调句型和定语从句It was a city whose hospitals were gone.这句话是定语从句还是强调句,具体理由给出吧 强调句it is(was) .that/who,其中it is(was)能不能写成it's/it was不能缩写么? It was the training that he had as a young man_______led to his success.A.that B.it C.who D.which选A 帮忙分析下句子,我知道是强调句,可是前面不是有个that 么 两个句子:1.It seemed as if the world was at an end.2.If he were here,everything would be all right.可以确定两个句子都准确无误,第一句取自教科书.所以,虚拟语气中was 和were的用法有何不同,在什么样的情况下 强调句有倒装么如it was not until _that_.that后面的成分要倒装么? here引导的倒装句的用法:谁能给我说明下以下两个句子的不同(哪个是倒装句,另外一个做何解释):1.Here it is!2.Here is your ticket. 一道英语提...急He sent me a present.强调HE:It was he that sent me a present.对马?还有强调HE句的特殊问句是:Who was it that sent you a present?是谁送你礼物吗?这可是强调句啊!不能用THE PERSON的...只能用IT..It was