问一英语句子,里面的 can not 是否用对?顺便求改句子.Multimedia can get many kinds of materials to make beautiful courseware so that students can realize the fresh and lively scene which can not be restricted by time and space.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:54:19
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问一英语句子,里面的 can not 是否用对?顺便求改句子.Multimedia can get many kinds of materials to make beautiful courseware so that students can realize the fresh and lively scene which can not be restricted by time and space. 大学英语 英语CET4 括号里面的句子,我看不懂,就是Americans are not一直到t大学英语英语CET4 括号里面的句子,我看不懂,就是Americans are not一直到their feelings分析一下句子成分! not only…but also倒装写英语作文用倒装句:not only can A… but also B can …这个句子对吗?根据老师的回答还原后是A can not only …but also B can …这不是无比别扭吗?!真的是这样的么…另外 如果两者 warn sb not to do 的英语解释句子是? 问吃食物的英语句子是?问食物的句子 英语 大家帮我理解一下这个英语句子I can use software specially designed for the blind. 里面的designed 是一般过去时还是被动语态? 一个英语句子,不理解,Energy issues should not be politicized,still less should countries willfully resort to force in tackling energy issues.后一句子中less should countries willfully resort里面的主谓语怎么分呀,countries怎么 问一个句子翻译.he can not afford not to sth.到底是可以负担起,还是负担不起啊?不是双中否定等于肯定嘛? 英语翻译这个句子咋解释,为什么英语里面是 can't 否定,而翻译却是肯定呢? 辨析两个英语句子.说清楚原因.及think的用法1.I do not think you can help me.2.I think you can not help me. 问个英语句子里面,有个单词错了.Chritopher Reeve bacame a movie star playing the strapping superman.So the difference between fantasy and reality could not have been starker when,in 1995,Reeve.这是在上课时抄的笔记 starker这个 这个英语句子是病句吗?哥哥有时候真讨厌Brothers can be very annoying sometimes 问:为什么“Brother”,在这个句子中要加“s”呢?这个句子是不是一个正确的句子?这里的哥哥就是一个人,不是复数这 翻译句子:To this day,it can not even be match.主要是even的意思 英语句子里面什么后面是表语? 关于英语句子顺序的问下,正确的句子顺序是下列中的哪一个或者另外一个:How many birds in the apple tree can you see?How many birds can you see in the apple tree? 英语大神来,请帮我看一下以下来自一封英语信的句子,句型我写的对不对,this is my first letter to others(in this E-time)这是我给别人的第一封信(在这个e时代)I am not sure if this letter can be sent to you 问年龄的英语句子 求教英语大神们几个句子,看看哪个是对的(1)He is not only kind,but also helps us a lot.(2)He is not only kind,but also to help us a lot.(3)He can not only play football well,but also is good at basketball.(4)He can not only play footba