He___his father had had a little accident.A.tells B.told C.has told D.was told

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 13:34:49
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He___his father had had a little accident.A.tells B.told C.has told D.was told Tom was so careless that he___his right arm when he was riding to school.A.hurts B.hurt C.has hurt D.had hurt求解析求答案! My father had a backache yesterday .同义句My father had ___ ____ ___ yesterday. my father got very angry what I had done i ___that kitty's father had gone to Hongkong(tell) _______ had the father arrived than the rain poured down. we had gained while working under our father.怎么翻译 My father had a backache yeserday(改同义句)My father had ( )(  )(  )yesterday. 1 ____he was a little shy in class,but now he acts more natural.A At first B Firstly 2 The rich man____his poor neighbors.A looked down to B looked down upon 3 You could tell from his big nose that he___his father A took after B took care of C took o You had better ask your father.中had better 是什么词性,什么成分 Did his father had(has) lunch in his factory?是用had 还是 has? Then her father had a (s ) wife,Snow White had a stepmother Did he___his clothes 1.wash 2.washed 3.washes he___his car outside a house,是填left还是took 问个关于时间状语从句的问题He will come to call on you the moment he___his painting.A.will finish B.finished C.has finished D.had finished这题答案选C,为什么不选Athe moment 不是用主将从现或者时态保持一致吗 To my great surprise,i found thathe___his English so rapidly(1).To my great surprise,i found that he___his English so rapidlyA.improves B.improved C.has improved D.had improved(2).when___the Chinese Communist Party___?A.was,found B.has,founded C.has, father Her father insists that she ( ) abroad.Her father insists that she ( ) abroad.A goB goesC goneD had gone