( )______Lily ______ Lucy come from the United States.A.Both;and B.Neither;or C.Either;or D.Not only;but also最好帮我把句意翻译过来.】

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 20:59:27
xTOOA*s ?7YVGZhQS (شvq]tfN~Ypkc<4=tٝy{ތ?1=cv)ͮίym9^'e/F]@/]ũp|\t ,SZ|i:ⱵȪ± SeJlkl8-.q{4QGO KB>.ĴU.G}6s{hfOseԞq@<T7?yCļ?آ/O΍0տe!N͂M].h QguvX #'g!)%Ѓ"V=ș1B>xr%O;?;u]l=bB-SCO&WX];9-2mN,zv ĴqP{òe$16(28QICy?46FCa~ p 4tCnwBZIJHBLVF63&O41r,K<{iMaI+g_Ь|<#ƺd]hU‚2cm}֔0RbH:E(6ec_옹|8蜫VFioo%*@^7а7l5;qp/#HT ;ɩ<*=uT 
______Lily ______(stay)with me tonight 时态练习 Lily and John play the guitar very well.(改成感叹句) ______ ______Lily and john______the guitar!空格填什么单词? ( )______Lily ______ Lucy come from the United States.A.Both;and B.Neither;or C.Either;or D.Not only;but also最好帮我把句意翻译过来.】 在每一个空格中填一个单词,使两个句子意思相同或相近.1、A.Lucy can't sing the Englishi songYesterday Once More.And Lily can't sing it,either.B.______ Lucy ______Lily can sing the English song.2、A.I like Backstreet Boys.But h view good way athletic both popular different talk much doview good way athletic both popular different talk much do1.______lily and lucy are outgoing.they have lots of freinds2.i like listening to ______ songs.Coco is my favorite singer3.i am _____f (>______ ______ Tom:Evening party?______Lily:Yes,we are.填个句子,是Lily办PARTY,不是tom,所以不可以这么填 根据答语完成问句!1.______shirt______Tom like? He like the blue one.2.______Lily have a soccer? No,she doesn't. 一往无前成语接龙一往无前______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,左右逢源,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,______,神清气爽 明哲保身 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 成语接龙6个万众一心-______-______-______-______-______-______举世闻名-______-______-______-______-______-______志同道合-______-______-______-______-______-______ 英语翻译______ that ______ black ______ ______? 夏天像______,______,______.秋天像______,______,______.冬天像______,______,______. 英语翻译1.______ ______ a hotel _____ ______ _______?2.______ ______ the hotel?3.______ ______ ______ ______ ______ the hotel?4.______ ______ ______ ______ ______ the hotel?5.______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ the hotel? 英语翻译______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ during Spring Festival. 英语翻译Sometimes parents ______ ______ ______ ______ ______. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ in your family.