下文句子中that是指什么,是主语从句吗,具体句子成分如何划分,TV viewing time may be associated with a loss of life that is comparable to other major factors.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 04:50:29
xRAN@ 4H P6w*Ah lŘ@M,XeO+8h2an޼+{IҎI%2?%29"_e9^ɢHhـdт;s9BPHq!ʋjaI #QAq)2ؕ$5)Ȭñ$ރu۽{g#]|.۝"6`)+ME#`nޣ~8:_Wi" as# ~ ȅ{18cW0͉۫7ԉ]m q*9fv]'Ϛtն\k5ݗ9V8~ ʶ| ~<
下文句子中that是指什么,是主语从句吗,具体句子成分如何划分,TV viewing time may be associated with a loss of life that is comparable to other major factors. 宾语从句THAT后面的主语必须是除这个句子主语外的其他主语吗 athletic prowess is not all that is being tested at this years olympic games句子中that 是引导表语从句,同时作表语从句主语吗 一个句子中,主语是一个从句,宾语又是一个从句,这时这个句子属于什么类型的句子? 什么叫主语从句,宾语从句?怎么知道一个句子的从句是主语从句还是宾语从句啊? Is he the man who/that wants to see you?他是那个想见你的男人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语)who/that在从句中作主语中从句是指的整个句子还是其它呢? 主语+及物动词+that 从句that从句是啥从句,做什么成分 but it is not just our house that we have become committed to 在这个句子中,that从句是真正的主语吗 that 后面的成分是主语叫什么从句 It is the first time that I have met him.中that后的句子作什么成分?1是主语还是定语?整句话是主语从句吗?(本人始终不确定)2It is the first time I have met him.为什么that被省略了?什么时候能省that?3that换 it seem+that从句是主语从句还是表语从句 that在定语从句中做主语和宾语的句子各十句(最好是有翻译的) 感激不尽! 关于定语从句The thing that has been told me和The thing that he told me都正确吗,第一个句子是that在从句中充当主语吗 that在什么从句中能做主语?什么从句中不能? You should study the Web sites of schools that interest you这个句子中的that起什么语法作用?that interest you是定语从句,you是这个定语从句的主语吧,也就是说,这个主语是后置的吧? it is the first time that是主语从句吗 that was eight years ago是主语从句吗? The truth is (that I have been there)为什么是表语从句为什么是表语从句,The truth 是主语,括号里的不可一世宾语吗怎么确定从句在句子中作表语?