务必今天回答,The book "New concept English"ha been well received by the learners in __it can help them to develop their English skill.A.which B.because C.that D.where

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 10:58:44
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务必今天回答,The book New concept Englishha been well received by the learners in __it can help them to develop their English skill.A.which B.because C.that D.where 如果回答是the book is new?那么问句应该是how is the book?还是 how about the book? The waiter worked in the restaurant,didn't he?该怎么回答请在回答时再加上中文的翻译,请务必在今天之内回答我 数蜡烛用英语怎么说如题!请务必在今天回答这个问题.回答得好有分啊! This is a new book的疑问句和回答 关于爱国主义160字的诗歌急呀,请务必今天回答谢谢了了 《我为祖国而奋斗》求作文,今天务必回答,是写自己亲身经历的事 作文 我赢得了尊重600字,记叙文.务必在今天回答,我可以追加悬赏 圆周率的顺口溜我明天就要用,务必在今天回答好.不要讲故事,直接写. 骏马疾驰、疾恶如仇、疾风知劲草、疾苦的疾分别是什么意思啊,务必今天回答 求证:有一条高对应相等的两个等边三角形全等务必在今天中午回答哦 井冈翠竹写作背景 快,今天9点前务必回答. How is the water being used?(水怎样被利用?)英文回答,今天晚上就有用,请务必在下午内回答,急用,在这等回复!多一些,像文章的形式!可以的话,最好有中文解释! Could please pass me the book?回答 is the book interesting回答这句话 where s the book?怎么回答? Please give her the new book.改为同义句 ()book is she going to read?The new one