Was l supposed to hold the spoon in my left hand or my right hand?用英语怎么回答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:23:31
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it was supposed to be easy. How was I supposed to know that? Was l supposed to hold the spoon in my left hand or my right hand?用英语怎么回答 be supposed to do与was/were supposed to have done区别 Is/Are supposed to do 与Was/Were supposed to do 的区别是什么?具体用法? the summer my grandmother was supposed to die 的中文翻译 翻译:Brain(人名) was supposed to bring them. John ______ go to the post office this morning,but he didn‘tA.was supposed toB.is supposed toC.supposed toD.supposed be supposed to的用法问题RT was supposed to 和 were supposed to 的情况但感觉它和should差不多,should一般不出现过去式.所以be supposed to一般只用 is/are supposed to The speaker_______have arrived by now.What might have happened to him?应填应填was supposed to 还是 is supposed to ----You ( )part in the party in time.----sorry I was delayed by the accident.A.are supposed to takeB.have supposed to C.are supposed to have takenD.supposed to takeHow to choose?and tell me why please. 29.The Cambridge test that ___________ place in May is re-scheduled to be held in October.A.was supposed to take B.was supposing to take C.supposed to taking D.was supposed to taking The Cambridge test that __ place in May is scheduled to be held in October.A.was supposed to take B.was supposing to takeC.supposed to taking D.was supposed to taking It was supposed that they got in the way.They were supposed to get in the way.有什么区别? was/were supposed to do 和is/are supposed to have done是一样的意思吗?You are supposed to have met me here You were supposed to meet me here ---You ___ part in the party in time.---Sorry I was delayed by the accident.A.are supposed to take B.have supposed to C.are supposed to have take D.supposed to take为什么,请解析, -----You _____ here in time.----Sorry,I was held up by the accident.Aare supposed to have arrivedB.are supposed to arrive C.have supposed to arrive D.supposed to arrive jim left early because he ____ to meet his sister at the airport this afternoon.a.would suppose b.was supposed c.supposed d.had supposed