将括号内的词按正确语序排好!4.they told(their friends,go to the park,not to)5.Tom asks(not to,Jerry,come in)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 14:48:25
x){Y۟>b}ﳞgk?_Ow?t^EJ +H!(35/X'=(S(H,/5MBs5 ":^EE: y6IED[VL :CfCn  &u US5F 130Zx UTߐdYXCM;3
将括号内的词按正确语序排好!4.they told(their friends,go to the park,not to)5.Tom asks(not to,Jerry,come in) if they can (help)you they (will)将括号里词的正确形式填在横线上,横线在括号单词前面 At last, they (name) the film Go Lala Go. 请用括号内所给词的正确形式填空. They (China)very much 给括号内所给次的正确形式填空 英语的语序应该怎么排 按要求将下列句子转换成一般疑问句、否定句和对括号内的词提问.)He does his (homework) everynight对括号内的词提问:2.They watch TV (at night)对括号内的词提问:3.My mother has (Breakfast) at hom 用括号内词的正确形式填空. 圈出成语中的错别字将正确的写在括号内 用括号内词的正确形式完成句子jack is the _______(old)in our class.they ———(fly)kites in several days. 用括号内说给词的正确形式填空the star (run)very fast.his class is very (interest)(they)answer are right. 用括号内的正确形式填空. 用括号内的正确形式填空 A and B were both ____(win),they were very brave.填括号内单词的正确形式 They are in pains with (stand)and the other (kneel) down.将括号中的单词改成正确的形式 下面这些句子有特殊含义,将正确的中文意思填入括号内.()1.lt's only a piece of cake.()2.l have other fish to try.()3.lt's another cup of tea.()4.John is a small potato.()5.They are in the soup.A.我还有更重 按正确的语序排列括号中的词!英语的.1.The officer ordered(to fire--at the enemy--the men).2.He wants(his wife--this dress--to wear).3.She wants(us--it--to explain).4.I cannot allow(the room--him--to enter).5.She taught(to read--her son) 按正确的语序排列括号中的词1.the officer ordered (to fire - at the enemy - the men)2.he wants (his wife - this dress - to wear)3.she wants (us - it - to explain)4.I cannot allow (the room - him - to enter)5.she taught (to read - her son) 将正确答案的序号填入括号内