They ____C_____ in Guangzhou since 2000.A.lived B.had lived C.have lived D.were living这个选C.但是是不是因为有SINCE所以才选C的呢?那么SINCE可以在过去完成式中出现吗?BY THE YEAR...和BEFOR是过去完成式的标志词,那

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 13:31:49
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改错【选A.B.C.要把正确的答案写在后面】【 】1.there is any rice on the plate.______A B C D[ ] much mangoes are there in the basket?_________a____ __b__ ____c_____[ ]3.there is a picture in the wall._______a b c[ ]4.they like to They ____C_____ in Guangzhou since 2000.A.lived B.had lived C.have lived D.were living这个选C.但是是不是因为有SINCE所以才选C的呢?那么SINCE可以在过去完成式中出现吗?BY THE YEAR...和BEFOR是过去完成式的标志词,那 They are green.They are long.They are g( ) b( 根据首字母提示补全单词.1.They are green.They are long.They are g( )b( ).2.The water in the river is c( ). 3.There are many f( )and t( ) in the park.4.My v( ) They live in water. They leave in Tianjin. They are in ( ) colours a.they're in the room.b.yes,ther're in the're in the room.b.yes,ther're in the,it isn',they are on the sofa.e.they're oranges.f.they're's on the,they're lily's G—— speaking ,women are better than men in learning languages when they are young.开头填G开头的简单单词 they work in a school? ()() they()? Are they in china?NO,they() 英语对话排序 A:yes,they are in the drawer.thank you.B:i don't know.C:are they in your bag?…D:where are my pencils,bob?E:no,they aren't.F:are they in the drawer?G:you are welcome. 排序,A.Is it in your desk?B.Were they in your pencil box?C.Look,they are in your bag.D.WhereD.Where is my English book?It was there jus now.E.No,it isn't.F.Is it in your bag?G.They were there a moment ago.But I can't find then now.H.Oh,yes.Thank yo Visitors to London eat in restaurants.The owners and workers in them are all from other countries.The visitors say in these restaurants they don’t feel they are in England.Most of the English people eat at home as much as they can.A young man who g ___ ___are they in?They are in ____Two ,____Four they were in his desk what class are they in? They share secrets in life.