帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:You _______ this package immediately!B:I'll take care of it right away.must be sentmust be sendingmust have sentmust sendA:This letter _______ by overnight mail.Don't just drop it off at the post office.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:30:40
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大家帮我看几道英语语法的题,需要正确率1. A world-renowned scientist said in an interview, We'll continue our intensive research until we _______ a cure for the disease. a. find b. will find c. 大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率谢谢Alice:Nancy,have you heard?My sister's company _______ her a big promotion!Now she's a vice president!had just givenhas just givenhas just been givinghad just been givingNancy:That's great.She 帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:You _______ this package immediately!B:I'll take care of it right away.must be sentmust be sendingmust have sentmust sendA:This letter _______ by overnight mail.Don't just drop it off at the post office. 大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率谢谢Snow _______ steadily in this city since early this morning and the meteorologists say that it will continue until tomorrow afternoon.had fallenhad been fallingis fallinghas been fallingBecause 大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率Harry and Mary are a retired couple.They _______ married for 42 years.arewerehave beenhad beenThey travel a lot.They _______ 48 countries together so far.They hope to visit 100 countries during their 请大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:The teacher says we _______ our assignment tomorrow if it's not ready today.B:Thank goodness!I need a little more time.can be turning inwill turn incould have turned incan turn inA:Excuse me,mis 帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:Is it true _______ tear down the old schoolhouse?B:Well,I don’t know.I hope it's not true.what they're going toare they going toif they're going tothat they're going toA:Look at this!This is not the ja 帮我看几道语法题需要正确率A:Did Masako apologize ______ the tea cup?B:Of course.It was just an accident.she breaksbreakingto breakfor breakingA:Thanks for going to the supermarket for me.B:You're welcome,but you know what I just realized 帮我看几道英语选择题需要正确率A:Do you want to drive?B:No.I don't know the way to the lake.______ Olga is the one who knows how to get there,she should drive,don't you think?Even thoughWhether or notOnly ifSinceA:This morning I knew wi 帮我看几道选择题需要正确率Port Adams is a small, quaint town located directly on the ocean. Since it has a wonderful white sand beach and good resort facilities, _______. the music from the local band is fascinating fishin 帮我做一道英语语法题,急 我需要英语语法大全 帮我看几道语法题需要正确率Anita's doctor wants her to cut down on fats. This will be difficult for her, as she is used _______ a lot of fried food. eat eating to eat to eating Whether or not we dec 需要正确率, 英语语法帮我答下 如何提高高中英语语法正确率 【英语选择题】帮我对对,再做做下面的题~正确率最好是100%~90% 大家帮我看几道英语选择题需要正确率谢谢The thief stole the TV,the DVD player,the computer,and the printer while we _______.Nobody heard a thing!1.have been sleeping2.were sleeping3.have slept4.had sleptListen.What a wonderful song!I