They have invited us to their party,---is very kind of themA which B it C as D that 为什么选A 知识点

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:32:59
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They have invited us to their party,---is very kind of themA which B it C as D that 为什么选A 知识点 have you invited lucy and lily to go swimming with us ---yes,______ of them have come already.they are waiting for us in the room.A.either B.both C.neither D.also the villager served us as a g__ and invited us to have dinner at his house They invited us to go to the party.H___we didn't go. Three of us have been invited to the party,Jim and _____(我) it is good manners for us to thank our h__when we are invited to have dinner I invited John to have had dinner with us that evening. 从句,连接词all that they have done is good for us.这句话为什么用that,为什么不能用what.they have invited us to their party,which is very kind of them.这句话为什么用which,为什么不能用that. They have invited a ____(science) to give them a speech on space. they have invited me to give a talk请问这样说可以吗, They want to have lunch with us(同义句)They ______ ______ ______lunch with us. They want to have lunch with us.....就是做成They ___ ___ having lunch with us. They have invited me to dinner ___ is very kind of them.A.asB.whichC.that--------还要翻译 They _(one的适当形式)invited their parents to have dinner whih them at their own home. they have invited me to the party 空格 is kind of them.that ; which; 选 哪个?为什么 高中英语语法题求详解(要有过程)谢谢了.1)________ from Beijing to shanghai?A.What a long way is itB.How far is it 一般问法好像是B这种但A行不行?2)They have invited us to visit their country._______ is very kind of them. 英语好的进,Tom invited us to lunch英语好的进,1:Tom invited us to lunch2:Tom invited us to have lunch.以上两句有什么不同,以上两句中的to分别是什么词性(是介词还是不定式的小品词)请细说明一下, I should very much like to have gone to the party, but______A.I'm not invited B.I won't be among the invited C.they won't invite me D.they didn't invite me