这句子里的that、 where、 what作什么成份?Be sure that we know where our interest lies and what our abilities are.请家这句子里的that、 where、 what作什么成份,语法课时老师会怎样分析这句子呢 ,这句子有没别的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 14:43:25
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whose的wh和where的wh一样吗 这句子里的that、 where、 what作什么成份?Be sure that we know where our interest lies and what our abilities are.请家这句子里的that、 where、 what作什么成份,语法课时老师会怎样分析这句子呢 ,这句子有没别的 英语句子中谓语的省略@@ 处有LIVE 的我给划去了,是否正确?英语句子的省略 这部分局的例子是用 AND连接的句子里前后谓语相同的的可以省略it is estimated that nearly 100 millin people live here, most of wh 定语从句与名词从句的区别?最好详细点.如何区别带有that或者wh-词的句子是定语从句与还是同位语从句?例如:I have no idea where he has gone.This is the school where I studied.The news that your team won the gam wh(o)括号里的音标是什么 where之类的WH开头的副词有哪些? where what when who 找出wh不同的发音 what和where里面的wh读音有什么区别 where和who的wh发音相同吗? where和who的wh音相同吗? 这句子里where possible的用法Our guarantee aims to ensure that you can pre-bookaccommodation before arriving here and,where possible,we will let youknow your accommodation details before you arrive. 复合句中where的用法you are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is where i disagree.这个句子里为啥用where,我觉得what挺合适的 语法 That’s where I can’t agree with you.为什么要用whereThat’s where I can’t agree with you.这句句子里为什么要用where,而不用what? which 和where的区别不要说 in which 和 where 的区别,那个我知道,我想说的是,有些句子里单独用到的which 和 where 的区别.比如有两句话that is the museum which we visted yesterday.that is the museum where什么什么 indicate的用法问题.英语的练习书上关于indicate的要点说.indicate+that-clause 示意...;预示...indicate+wh-clause 表明...;指出...< that-clause > < wh-clause > 这是神马东西,神马意思. what、where、whose中那一个的wh发音不同?2.what,where,whose中那一个的wh发音不同?3.why,whom,when中那一个的wh发音不同?4.what,which,whose中那一个的wh发音不同?5.white,whom,where中那一个的wh发音不同? 句子里where的意思Another approach that is used in practice to overstate revenue is the recording of revenue is the recording of revenue for a financial year where goods have been shipped to a customer before year-end.句子里的where是代表 where did you graduate?还是where did you graduate from?where 作为副词,当谓语是不及物动词的时候,是不是应该省略掉动词后的介词呢?还是有疑问...这样好了,选出你觉得正确的句子:1.where did you graduate?2.wh