这句英语句子怎么回事Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question.月球上有没有生命是个有趣的问题.我记的英语里面一句话只能有1个单词呀 可我今天看到一个句子是2个的怎么回事

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 22:07:40
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这句英语句子怎么回事Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question.月球上有没有生命是个有趣的问题.我记的英语里面一句话只能有1个单词呀 可我今天看到一个句子是2个的怎么回事 这句英语句子的用法对不对th killer killed people by knife 关于whether与ifI have no idea whether to visit my grandparents this Sunday.这句句子当中为什么只能用whether,不能用if?请详细回答```` 初二英语宾语从句训练 将下列句子改为简单句1.I want to know when we are going to leave.2.Rose doesn't know how she can going repair the watch.3.The teacher told the students what they should do.4.I didn't know whether we would go th 英语句子中的月份缩写When's your birthday?It's March 4th这个句子中的March可以缩写么?可以写成 It's Mar.4th 另外 4th 在句中的读法是不是 forth 英语 时态填空I wondeer whether you can prove where you_____(be)on June 6th? 英语反义疑问句什么句子用whether or not 引导 英语中的whether 和if出现whether 和if选whether一定不错这句话对吗 解释英语的两句句子However,in some places what they eat depends on whether.For example,in Blegium and Holland,the everyday breakfast is meat and cheese sandwiches serves with strong coffee.是whether 不是天气weather Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th July 1776这句英语什么意思? 这句句子是英语中的什么句式?我想知道是不是宾语前置还是什么的..They are the gifts to celebrate the 10th anniversary(纪念日) of the .(以下省略.)什么从句? 英语上讲的主将从现是什么意思什么句子需要满足主将从线,我们老师说If条件句需要用,但我看有的if条件句还用别的时态呢,是恶能告诉我这怎么回事 这句话英语句式对吗?是什么句?Therefore,the issue whether we should stop smoking is highly debated. It is not easy to decide whether a report is true or not.这句英语的中文是什么? 英语句子30句, 真诚的希望各位朋友帮我解答下这句英语我现在学习新概念英语第四册17课遇见一句不懂的句子现在需要求大家帮我解答下.The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented这句 t__(i:)th 括号内的音标是?整句句子是:We clean our t__(i:)th every day 英语宾语从句,要求that 2句,if、whether各一句,特殊疑问词两句