德语大师帮忙看一下这段对话有没有错误?A:Ach!Das wetterheute ist sehr kalt ,oder?B:Ah ja!Genau.Aber die Sonne scheint!A:Ha,ja.Stimmt.B:Na,wie geht’s?A:Sehr gut ,danke.Und du?B:Super!Dankeschön!Ich bin Clara.Wie heißt du?A:

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 19:07:52
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德语大师帮忙看一下这段对话有没有错误?A:Ach!Das wetterheute ist sehr kalt ,oder?B:Ah ja!Genau.Aber die Sonne scheint!A:Ha,ja.Stimmt.B:Na,wie geht’s?A:Sehr gut ,danke.Und du?B:Super!Dankeschön!Ich bin Clara.Wie heißt du?A: 德语大师帮忙看一下这段对话有没有错误?A:Was sonst machst du in deiner Freizeit dann?B:Hmm,ich mag Musik hören and singen.A:Singen!Das ist sehr schön!Welche Art von Musik hörst du?B:Ich höre klassische Musik.Ich h& 这段对话有没有遵循语法A:Shall we have a party thie weekend?B:Why not?这段对话我觉得没有什么错误啊!thie是打错了,应为this 帮忙看一下这段英语有没有错误Guangdong Province ancient times always is “hundred races” the housing region,the Qing government has established Guangdong Province in here,therefore Guangdong's name continues to use until now.Here was 初三的英语作文,帮忙看一下有没有什么错误. 麻烦亲们帮忙看一下我的英语题有没有做对.有的话帮忙指出错误, 麻烦亲们帮忙看一下我的英语题有没有做对.有的话帮忙指出错误, 麻烦帮忙看一下这个句子有没有错误,哪里错怎么改?As living a new life,we ought ti have new goals... 帮忙看一下这句英语有错误么?Now days,the public transportation in Shanghai is more convenient than any other cities in China.看一下有没有什么错误.顺便翻译一下吧. ★☆帮忙看一下我这篇作文,有没有错误,有错误的帮忙修改一下(语法错误要分析) ☆★My IdolMy Idol is a scientist.His name is Yuan Longping.His date of birth is 1930,9.His birthplace is beijing.He is of medium build a 帮忙看一下这句话有没有语病 谢谢 语法知识 大师专家帮忙看下 Thanks1.I will tell you more about later.这句话有没有错误?2.Ted came for the week wearing a T-shirt.wearing a T-shirt做状语不是应该放句首并加逗号的吗?3.People need clean water,medicine and 请帮忙看一下这段英文有没有语法错误You will be a good dad.Thank you for telling the truth.I'll love you forever as a friend. 这里有两个人的英文对话,你们看对不对?对话 A:Would you like coffee or tea? B:Tea,please. A:OK,I have tea,too.不要怀疑,单词一个也没打错,如果这段对话是错误的,请指出错误之处,如果是对的,那最后一 帮忙看一下,这句话有没有语法、标点符号,以及用词错误I advocated a new diet revolution - I encouraged Chinese to eat fruit before regular meals, maintain their intake of cereals, eat more vegetables and reduce their consumption o 有哪位大师可以帮忙翻译一下? 帮忙看一下这段英文有没有错误 1.According to some English prompt to guess phrases!There are three 4.Finally successful group won the applause .Unsuccessful group must read tongue twister.According to some English prompt to guess phrases 帮忙看一下,这段英语有没有错误The Chicago city is located in USA Illinois – IL State Northeast, one of USA Great Lakes Michigan southwest bank. Alternative name: Wind city , second cities , Chi Town , The City That Works,etc.Its city f