英语翻译答案上写的竟然是He didn't come to work yesterday.He must have been ill.我又气又急,我认为,我是对的吧!还有,我想He can't have been ill.和He can't be ill.的区别,我听一个知道网友的回答,感到他讲的是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 14:39:15
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英语翻译答案上写的竟然是He didn't come to work yesterday.He must have been ill.我又气又急,我认为,我是对的吧!还有,我想He can't have been ill.和He can't be ill.的区别,我听一个知道网友的回答,感到他讲的是 买的COACH太阳镜上竟然写的是:MADEIN china? He didn't think he could pass the exam.反意疑问句是did he?还是didn't he?为什么?我看别人的答案都是did he?这个句子不是否定转移了吗,为什么这个反意疑问句要按主句的否定形式写?I don't think he will pass t 关于从句时态.The teacher didn't blame him for what he did last friday.这是一句翻译的标准答案。我写的是 The teacher didn't blame him for what he had done last friday.这句答案里主句didn't blame。为什么从句还是did 钠原子有强还原性,钠离子有强强化性这句话的后半句对吗,答案上竟然是对的? 20.I can’t find my dictionary now.Tom must have taken it by mistake,______?A.mustn’t he B.doesn’t he C.didn’t he D.hasn’t he应该选C吧答案竟然选D还有没有那位也觉得选C的?高桥R凉介 和 茜茜bee 的说法有问题的吧 英语翻译没想到纵火元凶竟然是条触电的蛇. 英语翻译:我没想道他竟然是这样的人 一个人钓到了一条很大的鱼...It was the largest he had____seen. A. ever B.never C.already D.yet答案竟然是B.为什么? I didn't meet him.He ___ when I got there.(leave)在线等i didn't meet him.He ___ when I got there.(leave)我答案上是显示has left,但是我觉的应该是过去完成时had left,应该I got there是说我到那时应该是过去啊,为什么 最近知道上怎么多个网友推荐答案?这是怎么弄的!1.有些答案非常离谱!2.竟然没有那个按扭! 英语翻译老师竟然让我们做没学过的!到底哪个答案对啊 为什么饮料中含有钠离子 而标签上写的竟然是有钠为什么饮料中含有钠离子 而标签上写的竟然是有钠 英语翻译he knew _______buthe didn't know______. 英语翻译说错 ,应该是I didn't know if he would come和i didn't know if he would be coming 翻译上有什么区别. He had done的反义疑问句是hadn't he?还是didn't he? 竟然的反义词是啥 The man wasn't able to understand English.So he didn't know what I wanted.变成动词ing形式!我写的是:Not understanding English,he didn't know what I wanted.