如果出现了rather than ,是不是先翻译rather than 后面的意思,翻译为与其什么什么,不如什么什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 13:04:18
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如果出现了rather than ,是不是先翻译rather than 后面的意思,翻译为与其什么什么,不如什么什么? rather than do还是doing?是单独的rather than 只有rather than的句型是怎么样的?rather 可以I rather than XXX. 有like to do rather than doing这个句型吗?Some people like to travel around the world rather than settling down when they are young.like to do rather than do 还是 like to do rather than doing.如果是后者,为什么和prefer to do rather tha My pen pal can speak French______English.适当介词 填空.我知道是besides,我想问的是:如果不填besides(或是说、不填介词)可不可以用instead(of)和rather than?那instead、instead of、rather than应该填哪个呢? I would rather go than stay.would rather 不是可以有虚拟语气的吗?那应该是 I would rather went than stayed.我是看到 to 不定时语法的时候看到这句的,它省略了to. 求 would rather than的例句 求would rather than的例句,带翻译的.是要would rather than的例句,不是would rather。than的例句 more than 和rather than 的区别是? would rather than 和rather than的区别联系是什么呢?还有Rather than being punished,he should be rewarded.他该受奖励而不应该受惩罚.在这句话中,rather than是为“宁可、宁愿”的意思吗?我看句意觉得不是,但词 would rather...than...中,rather和than后面是接do还是to do还是doing? It's still rather more expensive than I thought.这里的rather than语法具体是? 为啥是would rather do than do为啥不是 would rather do than doing than不是介词么0. nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people( ) harm themA.more than B.rather than 选A有什么不对吗,为什么答案是B呢 It is my life rather than some days.这样说对吗?It is my life rather than some days.这是我的一生而不仅是一些天 rather than 后可以加doing的情况是为什么这道题 He likes fishing rather than swimming.为什么要用doing?不是rather than do么? You should let him read books rather than playing computer games.这里用rather than可以吗?Let's go hiking rather than staying at home.这里用rather than可以吗?如果用rather than,stay要加ing吗如果用rather than,也stay也可以用ing would rather .than' rather than 翻译