英语翻译The Sailors were afraid that they might meet bad weather.哪一句正确?请说明理由

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 20:18:45
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英语翻译During the war many sailors on merchant ships were ___ by the Navy.A.enrolled B.recruited 英语翻译The Sailors were afraid that they might meet bad weather.哪一句正确?请说明理由 英语翻译Many wrong ideas about the Atlantic made early sailors unwilling to sail far out into it.One idea was that it reached out to the edge of the world.Sailors were afraid they might sail right off the earth.Another idea was that at the equa 英语翻译第一句是Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. Sailors long ago were often afraid that if they sailed too far from home they would fall off the __of the flat ocean. The sailors were afraid that they might meet with bad weather. were 能改成 are吗水手们担心他们会遇上坏天气我已经懂了,但是热心的朋友太多,不知道该给谁分数了。 英语翻译Sailor’s work consists of many kind of work on deck.The daily cleaning and repairing,the derusting and painting,and the cargo lashing and unlashing are all done by the sailors.When ship enters or leaves a harbour,the sailors are respons Sailors were afraid that they might sail right off the earth.进行语法分析that从句是什么从句,在主句中做什么成分,sail right off 中right的词性,off的词性. 英语翻译Where the hell were you? 高中英语试卷上的几个问题翻译句子1 The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.2 They were shocked by the shock news 3她听到这个不幸的消息很震惊.4那只狗把骨头埋在地下. The crew was made up of accomplished sailors and thus were highly paid to do the work on the ship.请高手帮我分析一下上面句子的结构 那个thus把我弄得有点晕 、还有一问:At this point,the little boy came out running towards 翻译:The Atlantic made early sailors unwilling to sail far out into it. The sailors should show relevant flags by day or pilot lamps at night. the sailors returned two weeks later ,()A tired B tiring red sky in the morning,sailors take warning.red sky at night,sailor's delight 英译汉:Bad weather may mean danger for the sailors at sea. 英语翻译The houses were mere shanties,and rags were stuffed in the cracks and holes. 英语翻译To protect his sailors from the Sirens,Odysseus has their ears filled with wax; himself is tied to the mast,so he can both hear the Sirens and live to tell of it-a strange desire,since the thrill of the Sirens is giving in to he temptatio