请问这句英语里的 visiting是动名词形式吗,这里为什么要用动名词形式?There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood,but what is it?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 03:44:16
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请问这句英语里的 visiting是动名词形式吗,这里为什么要用动名词形式?There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood,but what is it? 请问这句英语的主语是一种什么语法现象?visits to really remote villages are seldem enjoyable.为什么用 visits而不用visiting? 请问:“订单-001里的产品我们已经收到”,这句英语怎么说合适,急, 【抢分~】这只是一道简单的英语题→_→I'm visiting my grandparents _with_my_parents__.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______ you visiting _____ grandparents _______?_______ _______ ______ you visiting ______ grandparents泪崩】 Maybe there is something visiting the house.的同义句 his teacher is visiting America there days的同义句 英语的根据句意填空!I think _______Sydney or Hawaii is the best choice可以填that或visiting吗?答案是either可是如果填visiting的话句意也没有问题啊! 英语连词组句:我将和我的同学们一起去拜访我们的老师l be visiting my classmates with enjoy visiting的意思 Listen and number 请问这句英语的意思? 请问这句英语主语是谁?怎么找的呢? 请问这句英语的正确意思?best regard 请问这句英语里的extras是什么意思I am sending broadcast and setting some extras but receiver is not getting them 我在改写it形式主语句子时,经常犯迷糊:例如:Visiting the museum is a lot of fun.我会改写为:It's fun to visit the museum.而我看到其他人改写为:It's funny visiting the museum.请问我的对,还是其他人对?it形 find some people who enjoy visiting the same places的同义句是什么 shall we visit the Palace Museum的同义句是-------- -----------visiting the Palace Museum Frank is visiting his teacher with his classmates next Tuesday.的同一句是什么 He (is visiting a home for the elderly).对()里的提问___he____?