Let's buy _ _ vegetables tomorrow.A some more B any more C more some D more else

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 08:21:02
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Let's buy _ _ vegetables tomorrow.A some more B any more C more some D more else 对划线部分改错let's buy things to a birthday party._____ _________ _ ________________A B C D 填入所缺字母let's (_ _ i _)in the river! 填词.Please don't leave the cups there.Put them back on the _ _ _ _ _.提示:_ h _ _ _Do you like to sit at the _ _ _ _ _ of a bus or at the back?Let's get a _ _ _ _ into town.It's expensive but it'll be quick. Students spent about one hour finishing their homework 同义句转换_ _ students about one hour _ _ their homework.Let's go on to learn Unit 8.Let's _ _ _ Unit 8. 找出下面单词的相同读音1、learn g _ _ l h _ _ t w _ _ k(ea是划线部分)2、dance p _ _ k l _ st c _ _(a是划线部分)3、cousin st _ dy s _ me y _ _ nger(ou是划线部分)4、buy cl _ mb r _ _ _ t fl _(uy是划线部分) Why not buy the coat?It’s really _. M_ _ _ _ 1 T _ _ 6 _ 2 _ W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ 5 _ _ _ _ _ F _ _ 3 _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ 4 _ _ _My favorite day is __ __ __ __ __ __6 5 4 3 2 1 Let's _(go)_(skate)now.It's a_(sun)fay. 在横线上填上合适的字母s p_ _ _ _ _ _ A_ _ _m _ _ _ _ w_ _ _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ _y _ t t h _ _ there are only _ oranges at home .Lets go and buy some.A.few B.little C.a little D.a few必须详细说为什么 Let's _(clean) the room.怎么填 Let's _ home now(go togo going went) Let's ask the tell boy _(help) us Let's go shopping,_ _(反意).谁告诉下 A man isn't 'beautiful',He's _ _ n _ _ _ _ _. w _ _ _ _e ,_ a _ _y ,a _ _ _ m _ ,s _ m _ _ _ 在横线上填字母 People come to my shop to buy medicine c_ _ _ _ _ _