按要求该写句子:(1)Take this medicine with hot water.(改成否定句)(2)在下面按要求该写句子:(1)Take this medicine with hot water.(改成否定句)(2)We mustn't listen to music in class.(改为反意疑问句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 11:07:38
xMKAǿsK!㢗:DyřZ:XQ$u tJE8 t"Kgy^6>ɨ];s4&`mү"A([Ԥ O T"A$l ŮG7q5.؊rWG i#ΧӓE|o.Ƿ-a2 ~3 la(kr} " .rN\SɄlw _ǧM0RJ jFOE0`{1jP ^u1+ Q)(amE#eny`~XyU's N"OPW !_cf$lbY}wwI#
按要求该写句子:(1)Take this medicine with hot water.(改成否定句)(2)在下面按要求该写句子:(1)Take this medicine with hot water.(改成否定句)(2)We mustn't listen to music in class.(改为反意疑问句 按要求该写句子 英语 I spent twenty minutes reading this story. (用take该写句子) 按要求该句子 按要求写句子1、This is an art room 【改为复数句】就这句, 按要求该写句子:What is his name?(用Ben回答) 按要求写句子 按要求该写句子,1.is my red eraser (改为同义句) 2.This is (an English book).(对括号部分提问)3.Is a pen (做肯定回答) 按要求该写句子.把下列句子改成把字句.(1)春天就要来了,太阳特别暖和,暖和得让人想脱下棉袄. 按要求该写句子改写句子1 I would like to have some porridge and onions.[改为同义句】 把下列句子改成否定句1.Please take this medicine2.Wemust call the doctor3.Break that window4.You must talk in the living room.按要求写句子.1.He must remain in bed for two days.(改为一般疑问句)2.Does he have a temperature?(肯 按要求该写句子(语文)谢啦根据“欣欣向荣”的两个词义分别写一句话(1)草木茂盛:_____________________________(2)事业蓬勃发展:__________________________ (英语)按要求写句子. 英语按要求写句子This is an apple(一般疑问句,肯定回答) 帮我写一下英语按要求该写句子,谢谢 按要求该写句子 雨悄悄的下了.(运用拟人手法)要死人啦 按要求写句子,六年级 五,按要求写句子.