急,求英语高手,这句怎么翻译好 She was beyond thankful to be right where she was

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 06:42:09
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急,求英语高手,这句怎么翻译好 She was beyond thankful to be right where she was The movie was her own concept and she picked the writer.请问这句怎么翻译 急求! 求英语高手,急. 求一位英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章,急 求英语高手帮忙翻译下.小弟感激不尽.急OutofallthepeopleintheworldIamsoluckythatImeetyouYoumakemydaysbrighterYougivememanyreasonstosmileeverydayItisgreattoknowthatthereissomeonespeciallikeyououtthereYoureallystandoutinthecrowdandmakethe 英语高手翻译此句 She wsa very angry.She had ----------words to say.(a few ,few)选哪个答案好.这句怎么翻译. 求英语高手翻译:Dean's list怎么翻译 As an insomnic guy,I come into your dream,这句怎么翻译啊,高手翻译下,比较急! she made me this dress 英语语法she made me this dress这句英语你们是怎么翻译?这句英语怎么理解? 这句英语怎么翻译:I can say no more than because she was she,and I was I. 英语高手请进撒!She liked to walk,so she walked.From years of walking,the bottoms of her feet had become hard and leathery.如何翻译?尤其是第一句怎么翻译才显得有文采? She is not fat—if anything,she is on the thin side.请问高手此句怎么翻译? 急求英语好句或名言300句十分急,求英语好句或名言300句,最好有翻译,句子尽量可以短写,希望各位大虾帮帮,本人感激不尽(热泪盈眶ING) 心里空空的,这感觉好失落,好悲伤.这句英语怎么翻译 英语高手求翻译,怎么吃啊?一天几颗?! 高分悬赏:求英文的外国节日饮食介绍 急……急需外国节日饮食习惯的介绍!比如:感恩节,圣诞节,万圣节,复活节.就这四个,英语好的帮忙翻译一下,不要翻译工具!高手帮着翻一翻啊!就四个节 英语题目,求高手,急!