请问we were shocked to find that Mary didn't know her guest's name.其中"guest's name”不会是客人的名字吧?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 11:06:36
请问we were shocked to find that Mary didn't know her guest's name.其中guest's name”不会是客人的名字吧? We were shocked to find that Mary didn't know her guest's name.全句翻译,并语法解释. be shocked 的用法 we were shocked ------find that the door of our house was forced openwe were shocked ------find that the door of our house was forced open 其中填哪个介词 We were all shocked ______ the news that Jane was married _____a very old man.A.by/with B.at/withC.by/to D.at/to为什么是A?marry with有这个词组么? we were burn to They were shocked to hear that their son had been arrested for taking drugs. This piece of news shocked us all.被动语态时应为we wereall 还是we all were We were shocked by the news which they cheated in the exams.为什么改错时要把which换成that we were born to combat We were born to combat we were born to do 问几道英语单选题233要详细讲解n__year 751,the chinese traveler du huan was taken ___prisoner by the Arabic army.A.a,the B/,the Cthe,a D the,/we were shocked to hear the news that___two chinese businessmen were shot to death in soutu Afric We were when we heard of the news that the plane was crashed in the storm.A. shocking B. shocked C. worried D. worrying 看看有没有语法错误?l was shocked to see the scene.l was shocked when I saw the scene.l was shocked as l saw the scene.请问有没有语法错误?表达意思一样吗?还能怎么说? 几道高中英语冠词题HE really wated to drop his physics,but on ____second thoughts he decided to give it a second try.答案是不填,为社么填the 2.we were greatly shocked to hear the news that two Chinese engineerswere shot to death,Worse 请问we were good friends when he was here b____.l asked him to c____in.they were b__ very happy how can this be when we were neant to be请问这句话怎么翻译. 英语翻译动词填空(用{}中的适当的形式):1.Several people got killed or injured when the firework factory ( ){explode}2.We were shocked to hear that nothing ( ){remain} of the house after the terrible fire cause by a cigarrette end.