就这个题目说一段话 "what's the first important factor which decides your choice of job?"what's the first important factor which decides your choice of job?(什么是影响你选择工作的重要因素?)依照这个题目说一段话 一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:40:52
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就这个题目说一段话 what's the first important factor which decides your choice of job?what's the first important factor which decides your choice of job?(什么是影响你选择工作的重要因素?)依照这个题目说一段话 一 What's your favorite song?围绕这个题目说5-6句话, What will you do if you get lost?用英语写一段话用这个题目来写一段英语写话,是理论文,不是写事文 What will you do if you get lost?用英语写一段话用这个题目来写一段英语写话,是理论文,不是写事文 -What's the _____ today?-It's October 6th. What's the date today?It's December the 6th.这个the 可以省略吗?It's December the 6th.这个the 是要还是可以省略呢? 英语发音连读 s c th当问 what's the occasion 或者是the nice thing 的时候s th 还有 ce th 这个怎么连读啊 读th的时候 舌头在两齿之间 和s 和ce 的时候牙齿有点闭合状态 这样转化的时候 很难控制 所以 请就冰心儿童文学对你成长的影响和意义,发表一段激情简短的演讲.顺便问个 选择 what,where,when,who,how,oid填空完成对话.1、A:_____ is your birthday?B it's january 12th.2、a:_____ is mocky?B:HE IS FOUR YEARS old3 What's the s( It's two all now.这个题目中s开头的单词是什么? what's the ( ) today .It is October 6th,英语 What's th most popular sports event in China? what is the 4th u.s.amendment? (2道单选)4 How I want _______(B)A a my own room B a room of my own C a room of myself D my own’s a roomD为啥不选 我就知道这个句式sth of one’s own = one’s own sth5 What do you know_______for?(C)A the strike was broken out B did th What is today?A.It's March The 11th.B.It's Sundday 17th C.It's Friday. 填空:What 's th matter with you = what's ____ ____ with you Where is your address?我们课本上有这个句子,但是有人说它是错的,应该是Where do you live?或者What's your address?我想问,我们题目上这个句子正确不? It's Monday ,29th A What day is today B What's today C What's the date 根据(我觉得童年一定要属于城市的)这个题目来写一段话.他的题目是要写城市不是农村(我不是鄙视农村==)他要根据一段话来写一段相仿又相反的短文.字数刚好就ok嘿嘿.那一段话是这样