How long will they stay in Graden City? They'll stay there------the end of August,a.for b.until c,when . 如果选? until ,直到?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:19:38
how long (will they be)staying?为什么不是(they will be) how long will be How( )staying?For five days.为什么不填long they will be,而是要填long will they be? How( )staying?For five days.为什么不填long they will be,而是要填long will they be? 1.How ( ) staying?For five days.a.long they will be b.they will be c.long will they be d.long they be2.It's always the same on these occasions.It's always the same at ( ) like this.a.situations b.conditions c.places d.times辛苦了. will后面不是要接动词原形吗?为什么How long will they be staying?是对的.How long they will be staying 是错的 How long can they live? how long will I wait How long will it take? 把How long will they stay?(改成be going to句型) how long will they _____________this strike?A.last B.continue C.go on D.carry on 对in two weeks提问应该用when还是how long例如:They will come back in two weeks.提问应该是非功过How long will they come back?还是when will they come back? how long 和how soon 有什么区别?如:will they finish the work?In ten years. no one knows how long it will last.they don't know how long it will___A.keep B.hold C.carry D.continue ,请问选择哪一个,为什么 That's because i love you ,So don't know how long our love will last. How long will you stay at Mary's?的中文意思 how long可以用于一般将来时吗如how long(还是how soon吗) will you stay at your grandma's house?-----about three weeks. --__will they stay in shenzhen?--they will stay there for a month.为什么不能用how soon 而是how long?how soon 不是用于将来时吗?how long不是用于过去时吗?