关于虚拟语气的两个句子分析I had though about arguing with the teacher about that,but I didn't have enough courage.I had thought about living with my grandparents when my parents went abroad.这两个句子也不是条件句啊,里面使

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 14:08:47
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关于虚拟语气的两个句子分析I had though about arguing with the teacher about that,but I didn't have enough courage.I had thought about living with my grandparents when my parents went abroad.这两个句子也不是条件句啊,里面使 求解关于虚拟语气if only及would用法的改错题帮忙分析一下下边几个关于虚拟语气的改错题,并说明错因.1.I think i would enjoy the movie we went to last night even more if i had read the book before seeing it.2.If only 这是as if 的虚拟语气么?这两个句子哪个正确?Thus I closed my eyes,as if I were to sleep.Thus I closed my eyes,as if I had slept. 英语题-虚拟语气I wasn't able to catch the bus.I ten minutes earlier.A would get up B should get upc had got up D should have got up1,这题是考虚拟语气吗?2,如果是的话,那从句就应该是I ten minutes earlier.但是这样分析的 关于wish引导从句的虚拟语气?I'm sorry you told me the secret.I wish you ______ him the secret.a.didn't tellb.wouldn't tellc.will not telld.had not told应该选哪个? 两句话虚拟语气,想提一点问题,帮我看看.I wish that I hadn't spent so much money.If he had followed my advice,he would have succeeded.这两句话都是虚拟语气的句子,请问,第一句为什么要用hadn't spent?第二句为什么 关于虚拟语气的问题希望可以讲解一下虚拟语气中所有有关had的语法点 关于虚拟语气的一个句子if i had got the book,i ____the book to you yesterday!A.might lend B.would have lentC.would lent这里C应该是lend 英语句子分析,是虚拟语气吗?NASA couldn't have asked for a more perfect launch.这里的could是什么成分?起什么作用?这句话是虚拟语气吗?为什么couldn't后面加了现在完成时? 英语句子分析:It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived这个句子那个部分是虚拟语气?考察的语法是什么?帮我详细解释这个句子,我看不懂哪个是 语气? 是 It seemed stranged t 求讲解.关于虚拟语气的.”Have you ever been to Beijing?““No,but I wish I had”为什么不是but I wish I have呢? 英语句子分析:It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived哪句是虚拟语气?should的用法 if only的虚拟语气的问题这里有两个if only 的句子1 If only my tooth would stop hurting!2 If only I had taken her advice!两句话中,都运用了虚拟语气第一句中,用了would+v原,是因为此句不为if子句,才用过去式的 关于句子结构和虚拟语气的问题51.If only I ______ there.a.have not been b.would not been c.will not be d.had not been 原因 英语虚拟语气的一道题if i had known that,i____so.A.wouldn't doB.wouldn't have done选哪个,请说明理由. 请教关于虚拟语气句子是这样的 If we had a map,we wouldn't be lost.只知道 1 If S had done,S would be doing.2 If S had done,S would do.这两种情况,而句子变成 If S had,S would be done如果按照上面的两种情况,be lost是 英语高手进.关于虚拟语气的一道题I wish that I___with you last night.A could have goneB had gone这两个答案都可以吗?(不考虑单选多选,只考虑选项本身) 如何区别,虚拟语气和条件状语从句.有两个句子:1 虚拟语气, if i had had enough money, i would have bought a car2 条件状语从句,if i had eaten breakfast several hour ago, i would not be hungry now 怎么区分这两种句