People gave away a large number of money.with provides the unlucky people with necessary food.withPeople gave away a large number of money.with provides the unlucky people with necessary food.with provides

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:17:53
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Bill Gates millions of dollars to poor people in 2000.A.gave away B.gave out C.gave up gave away ,gave in,gave out的区别原题是 Many people( )a lot of money and things to the poor girl after she was teken to hospital.A gave away B gave in C gave out Many people___a lot of money to the people in Sichuan after the earthquake.A gave of B gave in C gave out D gave away Last year ,we ___a lot of thing to the people in wenchuan A.gave up B.gave away C.gave off选什么?为什么? People gave away a large number of money.with provides the unlucky people with necessary food.withPeople gave away a large number of money.with provides the unlucky people with necessary food.with provides He never gave away a penny.He never gave away a smile He never gave away a penny.He never gave away a smile In August,people in the mainland raised mony and_____to taiwan peopleA:gave it away B:gave away it C:gave them away D:gave away themA和B中的it为什么要放在中间而不放在后面? gave away 什么意思? The teacher _____the papers and the test began A gave out B gave away The teacher ( )the papers and the test began.A.gave in B.gave upC.give out D.gave away It is a pity that the girl __ the competition halfway.A gave up B gave in C gave away D gave off应该选哪个?为什么? It is a pity that the girl __the competition halfway.A gave up B gave in C gave away D gave off gave up 与gave away区别 He never ____learning English .That was why he was successful at last.A.gave in B.gave out C.gave up D.gave away The Blacks( )the idea of going abroad for the summer holiday.A gave up B gave away C gave in D gave off People gave the famous sportsman a ___ (warm) welcome. Gave It All Away 歌词