英语句子错误 求改正it wasn't until the deadline that i realized the the importance of making prearrangement这句话有没有语法错误 有的话如何改正?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 12:49:47
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英语句子错误 求改正it wasn't until the deadline that i realized the the importance of making prearrangement这句话有没有语法错误 有的话如何改正? 改错.下列句子各有一处错误,找出并改正Your mother hasn't taught you to use it ,have you?That wasn't a knock at the back door ,was that?There is plenty of fuel in the machine ,isn't it?Bob told an interesting story to his classmates,did 句子改错,只有一处错误,think it wasn't a good idea to finish the work in one day 英语修改病句(就一题)They wasn't live here in 2003.(写出错误的地方并改正)注:我改成They weren't live here in 2003,但是是错误的. It wasn't very 把句子的错误找出来,并加以改正1 Where are you a moment ago?2 My parents were in the sitting-room,l am in my study now3 ls there a cat here just now?4 My English book wasn't there just now,butt it was here now.5 There will was an exciting 改正句子中的错误 What colour is it.改正这个句子的错误 Is this your English dictionary? No,this isn't.Excuse me, is it a pencil? Yes,it's. 两题英语题,句子中均有一处错误,找出并改正.快点哦,作对哦! 改正英语句子的错误下列句子各有一处错误,指出并改正1.i hope you to watch the football again2.it is going to rain.it is cloud now.3.it is too dark.turn over the light 英语,将句子改为简单句It is the first spaceship that wasn't made by the government. 将英语句子改为简单句It is the first spaceship that wasn't made by the government. It wasn't worth “It wasn't worth it” 判断这个英语句子是否正确I think it isn't difficult to do well in this subject.But study math in a good way is very important错误了请帮忙改正 (英语)找出下列句子中的错误并改正. 3道初二英语在线求回答,急用啊一.下列句子中均有一处错误,指出并改正1.How ling have it been there?2.Great changes have been taken place in my hometown in the past ten years二._____ ____ the tules,people mustn't drive afy 求翻译.It wasn't the same any more. 麻烦帮我解析个英语句子It wasn't normally like me to say things like that.这个句子,请解析清楚点儿,我是英语初学者.