在英语阅读中句子是he is of medium height在表格里回答时medium height前用加of吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 10:32:48
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在英语阅读中句子是he is of medium height在表格里回答时medium height前用加of吗 英语句子:regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to abide by his decisions.在这个句子中,regardless of是连词还是介词? 2.He is ahead of me in maths.这句话有没有语法错误?这里的ahead of做什么成分?ahead of算是介词短语吗?在英语的句子中,各种短语都可充当什么成分? 英语中带有“behind”“in front of”这两个词的句子的句式结构例如“主语+be动词+方位词+人物宾格”我就是想问如果我想说“他在我的后面”或“他在我的前面”是应该说“He is behind me还是 英语句子中,是is he write report 还是is he writes report This book is of great value to me.的of是表示什么?of在句子中是干嘛用的?去掉of改为This book is great value to me.为什么? please remind me (of)when he said he is going?这个句子的of加不加 分析超简单英语句子He eased me of my burden(请问 of my burden是句子的什么成分谓语是不是me?) 英语长句断句阅读Several years passed before she asked me again.这个句子中是在passed后面断句还是在before后面断 英语 that和 when在这句子中做什么作用的.my father knew that something was wrong when he encountered me,late one afternoon,sitting on the stoop of our house.请我 that和 when在这句子中做什么作用的.这个句子是过去完成 英语问题急用:He is coming with me for comany这个句子中,company为什么不用单数或者复数 英语主语宾语语法问题这一题:he is between you and ()a.I b.me请问怎么判断一个人在句子中是主语还是宾语,象这一题,是you and I是主语还是宾语,如何在一个句子中区分you and I是主语还是宾语 [初一]用英语解释句子Can you get me some chocolates,please?Electricity is more dangerous than water.He is short of money. out of the top of his eyes如何翻译如在句子中:He looed at me out of the top of his eyes. 两个阅读中读不懂的英语句子He reminded me of how much I'd hate to lose to someone else the small dog my father carved from a piece of cheap wood.lose your've put a bug in his ear-maybe now he's not sure.If you're a good friend,you may h of短语与最高级 比较级在下列句子中,在in 或 of 短语中,该用最高级还是比较级?of(in) the two,he is the one.是该用taller还是tallest. 有句英语句子好难理解!although I've no idea of who he is.这句!一整句话是I know someone in the world is waiting for me,although I've no idea of who he is.But I feel happy every day for this.就中间那句我理解不来.他中文的 what impress me most is.请问 这个 句子语法结构是怎么样的?what impress me most is.请问 “is” 前面的 what impress me most 的句子结构是怎么样的?在英语中 是什么句?what是什么词性 这个句子中作什么成分