Do you row much中的much是什么词性的,have much fun呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:23:20
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Do you row much中的much是什么词性的,have much fun呢? Do you row much?书上给的回答是yes,quite a bit/No,seldom 请问能直接回答yes,I do或No,I don't吗? 英语翻译1 have a baket ball game against sb.2 have a volleyball mateh 3 would like to do sth ;like to do(doing )4 hope to do sth 5 prefer+ n.Prefer doing Prefer to do Prefer sth to sth 6 Do you row much/Do you often row?7 join sb uoin in 8 who’ how much do you earn中的how much当什么成分?是object还是adverbial Why do you like your birthday so much?这个句子中的so much 能不能换成very much? 选择填空 ()1.What would you like( )dessert .A:at B.for ()2.---- How muc选择填空()1.What would you like( )dessert How much rice do you want?--- Jus ()A.littleB.fewC.a little()3.The Roast Chicken smells ( ) . Do you have much to do at the weekend?此句中的much 怎么译,代什么, that it won't take you much time to do it中的“you”为什么不用your? how much milk do you How much yogurt do you How much coffee do you Do you drink much-- (milk) How much coffee do you how much do you like? How much you can do 句型转换.如题1.Henry hasn't recovered from his cold,so he doesn't go to school.→Henry doesn't go to school;----- ------ ------ he hasn't recovered from cold.2.Because I have too much homework to do,ican't visit you tonight.→ ------- too muc There is nothing for us____A.worry worry worry about2.Some children are arguing about what TV programmes___A.watchingB.for watchD.will watch3.I have____work to do that I can't go out with you.A.much too B.too muc what row are you