system requirements lab是什么东西?在添加删除程序里?有什么作用啊 能不能删除啊!太专业了 我不太懂能不呢感简单的告诉我这个东西有什么用?卸了它好不好!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:45:34
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system requirements是什么意思 requirements requirements warning:your computer does not meet the Minimum System Requirements to run this software.是什么意 ergonometric requirements是什么意思!请赐教!德国人写的,原文如下The lighting system of the unit will be planned and installed in accordance with ergonometric requirements. 实况足球2013进不了..Warning:Your computer does not meet the minimum system Requirements to run thWarning:Your computer does not meet the minimum system Requirements to run this software.As a result you may experience errors during operatio this game does not support you video card.Please refer to the game's Minmum System requirements. 打开实况足球2012会弹出一个警告:your computer does not meet the minimum system.Requirements to run 英译中,The System Testing for the above mentioned System has been carried out.It is hereby certified that the System Testing for the above mentioned System has been accomplished.The provisions of the contract and the requirements of the specificat System SYSTEM. system system. system system 谁能帮我翻译一下这段英文Your system is not compliant with the minimum requirements to play the game. You should look at the details to know which requirements are not satisfied and upgrade it. 英语翻译The development process starts with the analysis phase,which shows what the package should do.In this phase,the systems analyst defines requirements that specify what the proposed system is to accomplish.The requirements are usually state Functional requirements