with后面是定语还是状语."A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation",with 后面的成分是定语还是状语.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 07:58:59
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with后面是定语还是状语.A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation,with 后面的成分是定语还是状语. I have a meeting with Sam. 里with Sam是状语还是定语? in front of his friends是定语还是状语?Mr Bumble beat Oliver with a stick in front of his friends.这句话 in front of his friends是a stick的定语,还是beat的状语?解释为什么. 定语从句后面接了时间状语,请问怎么区分时间状语修饰的是从句的谓语...定语从句后面接了时间状语,请问怎么区分时间状语修饰的是从句的谓语还是主句的谓语?例如,At a time when France was tryi 请问这两个with分别引导什么 是后置定语还是伴随状语 分析句子成分如【状语】【定语】问题如下如何判断给一个句子,后面有一些单词修饰但我不知道如何判断是状语还是定语 Who is the man with the beard?这是介词短语做后置定语还是with的伴随状语呢? wait a minute后面是宾语还是状语新概念沪江上写作状语 判断是动名词是状语还是定语Do you know the man standing aganist the door?为什么standing是做定语而不是状语?Hearing the good news,she jumped with joy.为什么这里hearing又是做状语呢? There is a book on the desk.中的on the desk是状语还是后置定语 I found a good car for you,really cheapfor you是状语,还是定语? in my car 是地点状语作定语 ,那它是状语还是定语呢? 介词短语(with a trade surplus)是作the economy 的定语,还是one的定语,还是作句子的状语?Tom Vilsack points out that agriculture is one of the few major areas of the economy with a trade surplus.1)介词短语作后置定语时 Have you seen ( ) girl with a glasses这个填a还是the如果后面是个定语从句呢?算不算是特指? 这个算状语还是定语a house near to/close to the river和a man in red,这两句中near to/close to 和 in red 算状语还是定语,为什么?如果是状语为什么修饰名词 时间状语地点状语修饰什么She is a friend of mine of mine是定语还是宾语 不是说介词后面是宾语吗 有好像说It is the key to success 这个句子的意思是这是成功的关键 那 to sucess 不是定语吗这些怎么分 这句是什么从句,后面的从句是修饰river的位置是状语从句吗,还是定语从句啊the wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home. Tom is always a boy.中的always这个副词在句中是什么成分?我觉得是状语,可是状语应该在宾语之后吧?是跟后面的a boy一起都属于表语吗?还是修饰后面的a boy的定语呢?