combine each pair of sentences in brackets ([]) into a single sentence..翻译?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 06:26:26
combine each pair of sentences in brackets ([]) into a single sentence..翻译? 英语翻译哪句是对的?A) Combine the first word of each sentence together.B) Combine the first word of each sentences together.C) Combine the first words of each sentence together.D) Combine the first words of each sentences together. Combine each pair of sentences into one6.The moon became the first body in space.Man set foot on it.7.The Basic Science Series includes 16 scientific topics.Each of them is a complete information book.8.The Earth is a beautiful planet.We live on the COMBINE和Cross stitch combined color symbol with 1 strand of each 的中文翻译 因为这几道题大概是同一个知识点 能总结一下更好~1.Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence,___ the second as an attributive clause.A.using B.use use D.used2.He was busy writing the story all the morning ,only ___ off Combine each pair of sentences.Use relative clauses.More than one answer may be possible.1 I made some new friends at a club.It organizes hiking trips and things like that.2 My best friend has a guitar.She bought it from a rock star.3 I know someone. Combine each pair of sentences.1.she had apologized for having broken her promise,I was happy to forgive her.2.The crowd grew.The noise made could be heard for miles.3.I wish that I could have received this letter.The office closed for the day.4.she Combine each pair of sentences with (that,who,or whom).Underline the object pronouns in the b.Example例子:a.A woman asked me for my phone number b.I didn't know her.>A woman (that / whom) I didn't know asked me for my phone number.a.The couple wa Combine each pair of sentences with (that,who,or whom).Underline the object pronouns in the b.Example例子:a.A woman asked me for my phone number b.I didn't know her. >A woman (that / whom) I didn't know asked me for my phone pair of pair of each pair of parents 做主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数吗?Each pair of parents ________ one child.填have还是has Combine... Read each pair of guide words and the words that are listed below them. Rewrite each pair of sentences,using the restrictive or non-restrictive attributive clause Combine drawing is prohibited.If combine drawing occurs,a penality of USD200.00(or equivalent) will be deducted from the proceeds of dra-wing per each L/C.Combine drawing prohibited.是多套议付单据作一次寄单索汇的方式不被接受?为 拒绝翻译软件 请将这段英文翻译成汉语these characteristics combine in unique ways in each person,forming personality types,each made up of different inner processes and ways of functioning in the world. It is important to recognise tha 关于数学题(是英文的) find the distance between each pair of points. (1/2,-1) (1/2,4)