She wasn‘t able to play basketball 同义句、、、、应该是 用next year 改写句子 SHE _ _ _ _ play basketball next year 有4个 横线呢、 我苏州的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 15:25:42
xՒNP_8 , ;`Zmش A6H *Ԕʄ%{+x[!ӛ|绥X4-*p,nX9P%T?p-U-ɐaM-2k??͵ ݒHR da_$/\ߝIϛ\cS=mVF2\%#$2 a>Y:;v5}e:y %"F #kB?_$
wasn't able to近义词 she wasn't able to play basketball(用nexy year改写句子) she___ ___ ___ ___ play basketball next year He wasn't able to do that.是什么意思?快急 Michael______come.That's too bad.I thought he could comeA.isn' able to able to C.wasn't able to d.was able to I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following 有道题目:He wanted to go,but he A wasn`t able to Bwasn`t able to go C wasn`t ablecouldn`t be able to 帮忙解释一下啊 he wasn't able to make the waiter understand him同义句如题 She wasn‘t able to play basketball 同义句、、、、应该是 用next year 改写句子 SHE _ _ _ _ play basketball next year 有4个 横线呢、 我苏州的 then she won t be able to see the card. be,she,able,the,to,then,won't,see,card She didn't go to school today.because she wasn't ______(her) today. 英语翻译Ah.well actuallyI wasn t pretending not to be able to speak English.but...Did silence work better than your funnily disguised japanese.didn't it?第2句 I wasn t 改成“I wasn't I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following address.翻译成中文 I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following address.是什麼意思大神们帮帮忙 He wanted to sit by the fire ,but wasn't able to do so at first中文? 英语连词组句 1.he/able/time?/the/to/Was/bus/in/'t/her/finish5.a/could/bridge./cross/using/a/People/ Tom wasn't able to pass the exam The others were all able to pass the exam把句子改成同义句 she was a doctor ,wasn't she